Monday, April 11, 2011


New Traditions Farm

Check out this organic farm where my friend Dan works at times.
I've yet to peruse the website but it seems legit.... and knowing Dan, it surely is.

I used to go to this Malaysian restaurant a lot when I was a kid.
I ate Mee Siam. It was good.
Noodles, chicken, other stuff.
Yup. It was tasty.
Mee Siam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is a video about food! The man himself, the Vah Chef, shows us how to make some indian food.
It probably tastes good!
Indian Food!!! 
Take a look....

I also enjoy Thai food. I recently ate some Drunken Noodles. 
Basil, chilies, other stuff. Its kind of spicy and its really good.
 Food is good! Eat it.  

Food is Good!!!

Food is an essential part of not being dead. It also tastes good!
Yesterday I ate some seaweed salad. 
It was good. Seaweed!!!! haha. It tastes good.